Hi fouad,
Thanks for your kind comment.
I thought of Instagram as a good source for political analyses, due to its ease of use and rapid expansion. Indeed everybody can use Instagram because it’s quick and intuitive. You can post a picture or leave a rapid comment or like, just following your gut. On the contrary, other “political” social media like Twitter, are more complicated ( e.g just think how hard is to publish an effective political tweet). Furthermore, Instagram can give also an image analysis, along with the comment one. Therefore you have apparently more insights with respect to Twitter.
As regards the WHY Luigi has won, I tried to show it through the article. As you can see Luigi’s Instagram Feed has collected a lot of likes for a picture where he’s portrayed as a simple and down to earth man, differently from the other political candidates. This could be something liked by people which pushed them to vote for him. Unfortunately, I don’t think a simple comment/likes analysis could prove further this view, since there are too many variables to take into account for. For example an Instagram + news analysis could give more clues about the why.
However, I will be running a new analysis for the incoming European Elections in Italy in May. If I have enough time I will be more than happy to publish it and to add a WHY analysis :)
Stay tuned!